“The people of Jackson County step up, they always do. It’s a small town, it's friendly people."

“Our Kiwanis Club here in Scottsboro usually has a couple of fundraisers a year, with our main one being a pancake breakfast in the spring. That usually raises a few thousand dollars. In the fall, we usually do a raffle for football tickets. Well, this year due to COVID, we were not able to have the pancake breakfast. And due to COVID we were not able to have the football raffle because there's not hardly any football tickets available. So we've been trying to figure out what to do for a fundraiser.
We use money from the fundraisers to give scholarships to high school students, to give money to reading programs for Head Start, and we buy books and read to children three times a year, across the county. At Christmas, we donate to Christmas charities for children who would not have a Christmas otherwise.
One of our members came up with the idea of doing a drive-thru luncheon. So we put it together and sold tickets for $10 apiece. We had a tremendous, tremendous response and sold about 400 tickets and. And it was fun. We got here early in the morning and started putting together ham sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches. It was great just to be able to do something.
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we decided to give some of the money we raised to a group in our county called Beauty and the Beast. When a woman is going through cancer treatments, she sometimes cannot afford the gas money for the trips or extra things. There are some people who we know bought the luncheon tickets because part of it was going to help women in our county with breast cancer. Many people know someone, a friend, neighbor or relative, who has had breast cancer. We've gotten a lot of texts and Facebook messages in support.
The people of Jackson County step up, they always do. I moved here when I was a teenager, so I've lived here basically my whole life and raised my children here. It’s a small town, it's friendly people. People just know each other and care about each other.” -- Shelia #Alabama